Followers- Jalinan Ukhuwah

Monday, August 1, 2011

Donation Dana Amal RB to Tahfiz Institution

Alhamdulilah with the mercy and greatness from ALLAH, efforts to contribute to muslim ummah especially to Tahfiz Institution via Dana Amal RB was successfully done last week.

For each sales of the book "Rinduku Pada Baitullah", RM2 is contributed to the Dana Amal RB. ALhamdulilah the total collection was RM512 and I had personally top-up the numbers to be RM700.

Alhamdulilah, as promise RM700 had been delivered by my elder brother, Tuan Haji Rosli Bakar, to the Mudir -one of Tahfiz Institution Shah Alam.

May ALLAH reward each one of us, who have bought and donate to this sincere efforts. This is the second initiative after the successful implementation of Dana BPHT last year Ramadan.


Anonymous said...

Assalam Dr,

Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan yang mulia buat Dr dan keluarga. Semoga kita tingkatkan amalan kita menjadi yang terbaik kerna Allah semata mata.

Semoga Dr & keluarga dalam perlindungan dan rahmat Allah. Amin amin yarabbalalamin

Ali Azarnoosh said...

Asalamualaykom Dr. Bakar;

Alhamdulellah, Good efforts. Allah blesses you enshaallah.

Happy Ramadhan.
Best regards

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Dr.


Akak doakan semuga Dr & Famili sentiasa dlm rahmat Allah......

Kak nor.

~ I M A N ~ said...


Alhamdulillah..semoga Dr dan keluarga dirahmati Allah.

p/s: saya tak sabar tunggu buku Dr sampai. Saya dah email pada Dr.