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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fasa Perang Saraf

Beberapa akhbar semalam menyebut para pendita Yahudi “menghalalkan” pembunuhan sesiapa sahaja termasuk kanak-kanak dan orang-orang tua Palestin yang menentang agenda Yahudi Raya. Mereka bersatu hati untuk membawa misi mereka untuk menguasai Baitulmuqaddis sepenuhnya.

Hari ini, berita berikut pula muncul untuk membenarkan tindakan tidak bertamadun mereka menyerang Gaza.

Israel Recruits Army Of Bloggers To Troll Anti-War Websites

Israel has announced that it is setting up a network of bloggers to combat websites deemed "problematic" by the Zionist state, presumably to propagandize about the necessity of killing babies and infants in the name of self-defense.

Israel’s global reputation for being the new Nazis was already firmly established, but the ceaseless and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, labeled a war crime by international observers, has hardened opinion against the country and this has manifested itself nowhere more than the world wide web.

Israel’s response will be to flood the Internet with PR agents who will attempt to create a phony consensus that the ZIonist state’s barbarian actions are justifiable.

Disamping itu, video propaganda Yahudi kini disebarkan seperti di bawah

Apa yang boleh anda (termasuk saya) lakukan?

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